Friday 24 July 2009

A good week - need to finish the job though!

Well, it's been a good, nay a great week! Starting off feeling a wee bit down in the dumps about it all, but as the days have gone by I'm starting to feel progress. Been eating better, haven't had a beer for 2 weeks, although did drink too much wine last weekend.

I've been swimming twice at lunchtimes, pushed some weights about once, been for a longish run and done an hours pretty tough cardio-boxing circuits. Today's big luncg being the only negative, but I've allowed myself that anyway - just means there's no more credits in the body bank for other indulgences.

I'm pretty impatient with this sort of project, but the truth is it takes time. You can undo 5 days good work with a binge out at the weekend, but if you don't binge, then next week you've gone 2 weeks and should be feeling the positive effects. It'll be easier to get through next weekend than this for the reason that you've already gone one weekend without sliding off the rails and next weekend you'll have more to lose, ie 2 weeks of good work.

So, a quiet and peaceful weekend to all! Think of me as you order another beer before heading home via the kebab shop. I'm metaphorically running up a freezing burn in the snow to shift some rocks about.

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