Monday 27 July 2009

Feeling very good this morning!

Well, that was an entirely alcohol free weekend - Ice cold in Alex was probably a good movie pick too... see a dyspeptic officer let himself and his crew down, then aim for redemption in the form of an Ice cold lager, but only after achieving his goals... I'm a long way from Alex just now, but at least I'm not trying to cross a desert in a dodgy old Ambulance.

Anyway, a fairly decent hour long run, probably just under 10km last night and good grub all round. The wife and others minded like her might suggest that the roast chicken dinner accompanied by roast potatoes done in goose fat was a step backwards. I don't care what these Philistines say - a wee bit of what you fancy is just as important in this lifestyle change that I'm undergoing.

Bit stiff from the run but otherwise elated at getting through the weekend and notching up that 1st entirely alcohol free week.

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