Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Runs again please

As a young rugby player, there really can't be anything more important than being able to run. Jog around the park for 80 minutes with intermittent sprints and you're going to need a decent running base to get through the game. Throw in a love of football, a spot of squash and it would be fair to say that I spent most of my young life running in one form or another, so once I finally retired from rugby it was a no brainer to keep on running and I have to say I really enjoyed just getting out and plodding around the streets and parks. I enjoyed many 5km and 10 km events. I even completed the Edinburgh marathon in 2006 and subsequent Glasgow half-marathons for a few years, although to be fair, you really need to put a bit of effort into training for those longer events to enjoy them and the arrival of our wee family made that more difficult. But still up until last year, pulling on the trainers and getting out for a run of anything up to 12km was pretty easy and probably something I did at least once per week until my 'event'.
I haven't run a single step since November 2018, when it started to become apparent something was wrong. I've done a lot of walking, I've been on the cardio X-trainer in the gym for a gentle stretch of the limbs and I've now been on the turbo trainer for a couple of weeks building up some lung capacity, but I haven't run.... until this morning.... Jesus suffering Christ, running is hard work! Managed a 20 minute light jog, stopped on 20 and walked home - which coincidentally also took 20 minutes. What a pleasure to get that cold morning air into the lungs again. But there's a whole load of pain in the post I think. Getting some running back might be quite a challenge, but in lockdown, getting out the house early for a wee plod a couple of times per week might just be the ticket.

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