Wednesday, 29 January 2020

PowerMill fitness tests

Just over 1 year since being hospitalised, I'm back in the gym preparing for a family ski holiday. Having had 6 months completely booze free whilst I was on the Warfarin and recovering I must say I felt pretty good and was looking forward to getting back to normality.

In Sept / Oct, I ended up doing very little exercise and in November I ended up flying 3 weeks out of 4. In December I enjoyed the festivities as usual and in January I'm back up to 90kg and feeling like shit. Fitness levels have plummeted dramatically, apple watch VO2 max score dipped back down below 40 and I'm not sleeping well - had a cold that seemed to go on forever and the drip into the back of my throat when I was lying down nearly drowning me, despite it being almost unnoticeable when I was up & about.

Only one thing to do, get back in the saddle. Build up the legs with squats and lunges and get some cardio done.

Up until now I've had treated Cardio machine fitness test assessments with some skepticism, as I don't think I've ever scored less than well above average - even when I've felt distinctly average. First effort on the Powermill and you enter usual, age, weight etc and then a estimated fitness level between 1-20. I thought less than half is about right so went with 9. Managed to do 2 minutes 37 seconds, before the machine stopped the test - seems like it didn't like when my pulse went above 157...

2nd time, I tought I'd better go conservative, so set the Fitness level to 2. Felt like it was barely moving, completed the test, but score was 0 - Very low...

3rd time, I'm not sure what's going on, but if I increase the fitness level at least this might count as a warm up, so increased to 4. Score 10 - Very Low

4th time, Tried fitness level=5, felt like a nice warm-up actually. Score 10 - Very Low.

OK, so probably need to use FItness level 5, maybe 6 and see how it goes. Very Low - Things can only get better !