Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Bike rollers

First session on cycle rollers.
Been slacking for a while using a sore knee as an excuse, but really feeling the need to get something done I finally built the bike rollers I bought in summer for winter training - easy as pie.

First thing that struck me was how much higher the bike sits of the ground when up on the rollers. Still, I gingerly climbed aboard and using the kitchen benches for support got going (I've wedged myself and the bike into a galley kitchen till I learn how to ride these things).
No freewheeling at all...
Pedal stroke completely erratic...
No balance...
Tyres were flat...
Pumped them up...
Bit better...
Got riding with hands on the handle bars for short bursts, but nothing like these guys who post internet videos claiming to have just opened the box and can ride no problem... Suspect they might be exaggerating their capabilities somewhat.

Was quickly sweating like the proverbial. Maybe due to the need for total focus, maybe due to cycling with no ventilation - although I don't sweat like that in spin classes until we really get going, so suspect it's the hidden effort of trying to stay upright.

Overall, I'm quite pleased. I can see exactly how poor and lacking in smoothness my pedal stroke is and how little I engage my core when riding. Time for some new skills and this looks like exactly the machine to help me develop those techniques!