Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Going backwards...

It's been a terrible period for my fitness campaign. The calf tear stopped all the serious cardio work and now I've got a stinker of a cold. Had it for just over a week now and although I seem to have gotten over it mostly, I still can't see me training before the weekend. Haven't even bothered to weigh myself...

What it reinforces though is that fitness can't just be a wee fad. It can't just be something that you do for 6 weeks or so aiming for a specific event. It has to be an everyday part of your lifestyle and the big events are something that you should ramp up for. I feel like I've gone backwards, just by standing still and I think that's probably due to the low level of my base fitness. The 2 weeks of gain are probably lost, but I need to use this as motivation to maintain a better lifestyle...

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Treading water

Haven't been able to do the same amount of Cardio due to calf tear. I think what I'm seeing from this though is that the 1 hour cardio boxing class is definitely having the biggest impact. Everything else I'm doing, watching food and light weights with easy cardio on the gym equipment simply maintains the status quo. My swimming has come on leaps and bounds though, much more flexible in the shoulders and actually using them to pull myself through the water a lot better than I was at first. Getting the technique right there is probably the most important thing.

A wee note about the calf tear though. A fairly mild injury which has stopped me running and doing anything with any impact. The treatment which has involved friction massage, using an elbow, to break up the scar tissue has far outweighed the injury in terms of pain. Thought I was healed this week, but he found the last wee lump of scar tissue and put me out of action for another 2 days... Hopefully I'll be fit for running at the start of next week, but I am reminded why we called them the Physio-terrorists back in my playing days.

Lesson: take it really easy when you're easing your way back into a program. Injury in the early stages has a real chance of putting you right off it altogether. Keep a steady head, maintain the weight loss you've worked so hard for and keep focused on the lifestyle changes. Next week's Cardio class will be burning plenty away again.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Another setback

Well, I've got a wee tear in my calf. Spent too much time up on my toes at the cardio class - Should have stopped when I felt it stiffen up. Should have iced it after and should have been more careful going up the stairs on Sunday when it tore ;-(
Didn't run, drunk too much red wine and the weight has slipped back up to 87kg.

Pressups were good though, 2 sets of 25 plus another 10. Dips & Pullups pretty poor and rowing was back down to 904m, although I was probably being a wee bit conservative on the ergometer due to the calf injury.

The momentum that I was gaining has definitely dropped off though, so I'm going to have to be ultra careful about what I eat this week, as I won't get anywhere near the same level of cardio exercise as I have been getting. I'm going to give the upper body a complete beasting on Thursday and see how this theory of building muscles assists in weight loss by increasing the metabolism, I've been doing a bit of weight work for that purpose anyway.

Saturday, 1 August 2009


I had a wee reunion with some old school pals and my big friend beer. Beer was in great form even if he does seem to have become a bit more expensive to hang out with lately, still he's left me with a lot to remind me of him today.

Of course that means Friday was a very naughty day, with my now traditional Gammon Steak & Chips at the pub. It doesn't look like I'll be doing much to work off yesterday's deficits either with today being no more than a bumble about the house kind of day. I'll definitely aim to run longer tomorrow though, maybe atbout 12km if I can manage it.